Wednesday, April 30, 2014


"Order is a kind of compulsion to repeat which, when a regulation has been laid down once and for all, decides when, where, and how a thing shall be done, so that in every similar circumstance one is spared hesitation and indecision." (Freud 46) 
Fascinating idea: that reason emerges from compulsion to repeat. That reason is a form of neurosis?

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting. So does reason even require a thought process, or does the thinking end once you've formed a habit and only seek to repeat it continuously? I find it kind of funny because reason generally refers to a higher-level of thinking. It's supposed to be logical. That's what we've learned throughout the year, especially in the beginning from Kant, Locke, and Rousseau. So is Freud saying that this isn't it at all? Is he saying reason is the avoidance of thinking? "Hesitation and indecision" require thought in order to escape from the hesitation and indecision and move on to make a decision. If reason supposedly spares a person from these, does reason spare a person from having to think? It's unusual interpretation of reason. I'm not sure if I wholly agree, but I like where he's coming from.


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