Hi! I'm Rebecca Rashid and I'm a Journalism and Politics major originally from San Ramon, California. My parents are both of Bangladeshi origin and I have a younger brother. I'm a huge fan of poetry and love doing yoga in my spare time.
My very recent intellectual experience would have to be when my grandfather asked if I was lonely or always dying to come home while I was at school in New York, 3000 miles away from home. I told him I wasn't even though I have definitely had my moments that proved otherwise. He then shared a story about his experience as a 9 year old living 30 miles away from home to stay with his more wealthy uncle who could fund his attendance at a local school. His family exchanged any crops they could as payment to their relative's family to care for my grandfather and provide him with at least basic elementary education. My grandpa recalled the nights he cried for his family, missing them more than anything in the world, and although in the future he worked his way up to be a head officer in the United Nations for Bangladesh, raising three children and moving to America, he wonders what life would be like if he'd spent his childhood with his parents just being a kid. I spiraled into a reflection of my own life, questioning beyond taking things for granted but trying to understand why I associate harsh challenges with the only path to success. I came to NYU to prove to myself that I could be successful and take on a challenge many young adults may not be able to stomach. But the nights of missing home, freezing in unusual temperatures and disgusting snow made me question my decision almost everyday of my first year. I think these days people are willing to go to extreme lengths for a success that is this intangible entity that no one can really properly describe, including myself. I came to NY in search of a bigger life, a big dream, something spectacular, but I know some of my happiest and most glorious moments are in my small town of San Ramon, California laughing over some stupid TV show with my little brother. I haven't quite figured it all out yet, and what exactly this "bigger" dream is that I'm searching for, but I want to redefine this grand gesture of success as more than just glamorous living or being really good at "networking" to land a better job. Success is also in the little things like having a good relationship with my brother and having the opportunity to get a higher education. I guess my intellectual experience has no conclusion, but I want to ensure I don't have the same regrets my grandfather has not being able to spend enough time with his family in the effort to have a better life. A better life doesn't always mean a "better paid" or "better educated" life, it's ultimately about being happy along the way.
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